I know, what's that you say? This might not make sense, but the experts say it is the wise thing to do.
This has always seemed like strange advice to me, but it is definitely not that. Before I bought my second Shih Tzu, I did a lot of reading and research. I knew I would have to brush daily, but brushing before bath time always seems like doing the work twice not only for me but also for my dog who has to bear the entire experience.
To this day, I still consider it too much work, but this time will give you a chance to examine your dog thoroughly and clean areas like ears and eyes, and if your dog is mat/tangle free or almost, you can get the last of them out. More importantly, the mats don't get a chance to worsen, which is the case when you don't brush before bath time. Then, if you are careful when bathing, you might only get a few tangles afterwards.
So, decide today and dedicate 5 to 10 minutes to prepare your Shih Tzu for bath time. It will be worth it!!!