I was surfing the web today, finding some goodies for you (and for myself) and while doing a search for "grooming the shih tzu dog" I bumped into a VHS video that I own called "Show Off Your Dog GROOMING BASICS" by a wonderful lady called Ena Lane. Now this video has the ENTIRE grooming process for a Shih Tzu from daily brushing to pre-bath preparations to blowdrying, to Show top knot making to Maintenance top knots, to ironing the hair for that silky ball gown look.
The most amazing part of the entire thing is that the Shih Tzu Model, if you wish, stays completely still for the entire process. Now I remember my Archie sitting still as well for the most part of the grooming, but this beautiful dog even lies to its side to allow its groomer to completely blow dry his hair. Now that is just a dream come true for every shih tzu owner, isn't it?
Now you might be asking yourself, " What precisely is a maintenance top knot?". Basically, once you have finished bathing and drying your Tzu, you will section off the top knot and whiskers, and wrap them into little pieces of paper and tie them with the rubber bands. The moustache is sometimes wrapped with a bit of boric acid in powder form to eliminate the tear stains (Please careful with the eyes).