Welcome to Shih Tzu Dog Magazine

Hello everyone, after many attempts of hacking and having the site destroyed, I've decided to rebuild it here at blogger/blogpost where they can take care of the mechanics and I can focus on writing about the Shih Tzu dog (and my memories of my beloved dogs Archie, Connor and Chuck Norris).

I do apologize if some of the links are not working yet, I will get to them, I promise! Meanwhile, take a minute and show your pets you love them.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Canine Good Citizen

The Canine Good Citizen: Every Dog Can Be One, Second Editionby Jack & Wendy Volhard

The canine good citizen or CGC is a certification program from the AKC (American Kennel Club) that rewards dogs that have good manners at home and in public.  It was started in 1989 and it is not only a step toward responsible pet ownership, but it lays out the foundation for other activities sponsored by the AKC such as obedience, agility, tracking and performance events. Also important, it is the only AKC activity that includes mixed breeds.

The Canine Good Citizen Test includes the following:

Test 1: Accepting a friendly stranger
Test 2: Sitting politely for petting
Test 3: Appearance and grooming
Test 4: Out for a walk (walking on a loose lead)
Test 5: Walking through a crowd
Test 6: Sit and down on command and Staying in place
Test 7: Coming when called
Test 8: Reaction to another dog
Test 9: Reaction to distraction
Test 10: Supervised separation

You can read the details for each test in the AKC site, by clicking this link.

The book is an easy read, and the authors stress that if you teach your dog anything at all, it should be first that you are pack leader and then at least the sit - stay , down - stay commands for its own safety and your peace of mind.  They help you undertake this training with their "Motivational Method" and training schedules that are easy to follow.

Worth mentioning is the information on the "Pack Leader's Bill of Rights" and  "How to Become a Pack Leader" by Kt Rourke of Cranbourne Dog Training School of London, England.   I have read several books with sections on becoming pack leader on your dog's eyes but even I must admit I was making a few mistakes.

Jack and Wendy Volhard have done important work in the dog training field, developing the Volhard Puppy Temperament Test รข€“ for evaluating puppies in terms of dominance and/or submission and the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test, designed to identify puppies that have a chance to excel in obedience trials.